Empire Codex

Current whereabouts

What insiders know 📶

Tense situation: The current EV race competition is squeezing Volkswagen from US to China.

Who knows: Morgan Stanley mentioned that supercomputer could drive Tesla share price surge.

Bad times: UK rents are predicted to rise a quarter by 2026 as landlords pass on mortgage costs.

Away they go: More than 90% of recent alums took first-year jobs outside of the US state of Massachusetts, in accordance to the American Bar Association.

Risky: Currently in 2023 the US automobile industry faces some of the highest supply-chain risks, due to geopolitical factors and sourcing of electronic components like semiconductors, according to economists from the Federal Reserve.

The struggle: Rural America is currently booming, but population growth that’s boosting local economies is at the same time straining everything from schools to housing and roads.

Together: Nvidia will be partnering with India’s Tata and Reliance on AI development.

Climate agreement: The developed countries has yet to meet a commitment to provide $100 billion in annual climate finance to developing countries (a target it was supposed to hit at the end of the last decade).

Food acquisition: J.M. Smucker to buy Twinkies maker for $5.6 billion (including $900 million debt).

Foreign listing: Advanced MedTech, a medical device maker backed by Singapore’s state-owned investment firm Temasek, has chosen to list domestically.

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